Упр.90 Unit 1 ГДЗ Enjoy English 11 класс
90 Перепишите предложения без изменения смысла. Используйте модальные глаголы.
Решение #
1 Необходимо ли носить строгую одежду?
Do you have to wear formal clothes?
2 Они сказали, что мне не было необходимости писать эссе.
They said I didn't have to write an essay.
3 Они сказали, что я могу отдать эссе позже.
They said I could hand in the essay later.
4 Вы не можете носить кроссовки в школе.
You mustn't wear trainers at school.
5 Учителя не обязаны задерживаться в школе допоздна.
Teachers don't have to stay late at school.
6 Нам разрешено пользоваться бассейном бесплатно.
We can use swimming pool free of charge.
7 Я был вынужден остаться после школы, чтобы сделать тест снова.
I had to stay after school to do the test again.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Бабушис 11 класс, Дрофа:
90 Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning. Use the modal verbs.
1 Is it necessary to wear formal clothes? Do you... wear formal clothes?
2 They said it wasn't necessary for me to write the essay. They said... to write the essay.
3 They said it was possible for me to hand the essay in later. They said... hand in the essay later.
4 You are not allowed to wear trainers at school. You... wear trainers at school.
5 Teachers are not obliged to stay late at school. Teachers... stay late at school.
6 We are permitted to use the swimming pool free of charge. We... use the swimming pool free of charge.
7 I was forced to stay after school to do the test again. I... stay after school to do the test again.
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