Упр.6-12 Unit 4 Progress Check ГДЗ Enjoy English 6 класс
6. В задании 6 выберите наиболее подходящий заголовок к тексту.
Обведите соответствующую букву.
а) Отдых на природе
b) Семейные проблемы
c) Опасное животное
Решение #
a) A Camping Holiday (Отдых на природе)
В заданиях 7—12 выберите правильный ответ на вопрос из трёх предложенных. Обведите соответствующую букву.
7. С кем были Эмили и Кристи в лесу? — Они были с родителями.
а) с друзьями
b) с родителями
c) со своим классом
8. Как Эмили и Кристи отнеслись к походу? — Девчонки возненавидели его.
а) понравилось.
b) возненавидели
с) им было все равно
9. Что Эмили и Кристи ели на ужин в первый вечер? — Они ели рыбу.
а) рыбу
b) грибы
c) несколько бутербродов
10. Где спали Эмили и Кристи в первую ночь? — Девочки спали в палатке.
а) в гостинице
b) в палатке
c) под деревом /на траве
11. Почему у Эмили и Кристи были проблемы со сном? — Потому что девочки испугались.
а) замерзли
b) проголодались
c) испугались
12. Какое животное беспокоило девочек во вторую ночь? — Это было неизвестное животное.
а) большая сова
b) ежик
c) неизвестное животное.
Решение #
7. b. their parents (с родителями)
8. b. hated it (возненавидели)
9. a. some fish (рыбу)
10. b. in a tent (в палатке)
11. c. scared (испугались)
12. c. an unknown animal (неизвестное животное)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Биболетова, Денисенко 6 класс, Титул:
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 6—12.
Emily and Christie were twins. They were 10. The girls lived with their parents in a big city. They lived a quiet life. Every day except Saturday and Sunday they went to school. Then they did their homework, watched TV or played board games.
But one day their mum and dad decided to go on a hiking trip. Emily and Christie had to go with them. The girls were upset by the trip. They didn’t want to go camping. They didn’t want to sleep in a tent, or eat plant roots and drink water from a river. All they wanted was to stay at home in their nice warm beds, with no flics and mosquitos, w ild animals, or dirty ground.
However, they had to walk along the forest path together with their mum and dad. After crossing a river their socks and shoes were wet. It was terrible! They were so tired, they only wanted to lie down and fall asleep.
At last they stopped for the night. Dad set up the tents and made a fire. Then he caught some fish in the river for supper. Emily and Christie didn’t like fish very much, but they had to eat it because they were very hungry. After supper, the girls pulled their wet clothes off, and put on their nice pajamas.
‘Mum. it’s uncomfortable to sleep in a tent,’ said Emily.
The girls wanted to fall asleep, but they couldn’t.
‘What’s that noise?’ Christie asked.
‘EEEEEEE!’ screamed the two sisters.
Mum and dad jumped out of their tent.
‘There’s a monster in that tree!’ screamed Emily.
Dad laughed. ‘It’s only an owl. Now go back to sleep, please!’
‘EEEEEEE!’ screamed the girls.
‘That’s just a frog. It won’t hurt you. Please go to sleep, girls!’ mum said.
At night Emily woke up again. She looked outside the tent and saw a big shadow. She screamed again, ‘EEEEEEE! Dad! Help! '
‘Girls, it's only me,' mum said. ‘It was cold, so I went to get a sweater out of my backpack.'
Next morning the girls felt a little silly about what happened during the night.
‘We're sorry, mum, dad. We were like babies last night.’ said the sisters
‘It’s all right, girls,’ dad said. “At least tonight you won’t be scared because you know what those noises are.'
They hiked a long distance that day and got very tired. The girls happily went to their tent. Dad wished everyone ‘Good night!'
‘EEEEEE!’ screamed the girls.
Dad looked at mum and sighed, ‘Here we go again!’
6 В задании 6 выберите наиболее подходящий заголовок к тексту.
Обведите соответствующую букву.
a) A Camping Holiday
b) Family Problems
c) A Dangerous Animal
В заданиях 7—12 выберите правильный ответ на вопрос из трёх предложенных. Обведите соответствующую букву.
7 Who was Emily and Christie in the forest with? — They were with their parents.
a) their friends.
b) their parents.
c) their class.
8 How did Emily and Christie feel about the camping holiday? — The girls hated it.
a) liked it.
b) hated it.
b) felt indifferent.
9 What did Emily and Christie have for supper the first evening? — The girls had some fish.
a) some fish.
b) some mushrooms.
c) some sandwiches.
10 Where did Emily and Christie sleep on the first night of their holidays? — The girls slept in a tent.
a) in a hotel.
b) in a tent.
c) under a tree /on the grass.
11 Why did Emily and Christie have problems in getting to sleep? — It’s because the girls were scared.
a) cold.
b) hungry.
c) scared.
12 What animal troubled the girls during the second night? — It was an unknown animal.
a) a large owl.
b) a busy hedgehog.
c) an unknown animal.
Популярные решебники 6 класс Все решебники
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