Задание 18 Юнит 13 ГДЗ Вербицкая Forward 6 класс
18 Изучите таблицы в разделе “Подумайте о грамматике”. Затем найдите в тексте о да Винчи активные формы Past Simple и объясните, почему некоторые предложения имеют формы Present Simple. После этого найдите пассивные формы Past Simple и объясните их использование.
Решение #
Past simple Active
Paragraph 1. was, worked, spent, appointed, gave, visited, paid, allowed, died
Paragraph 2. was, did
Paragraph 3. was, went, ended
Paragraph 4. was, made, came up, constructed, included Paragraph 5. drew, saw, made, wrote
Present Simple Active
Paragraph 2. think, are, is Paragraph 5. are, are Sentences with Present Simple forms state facts which are true now.
Past Simple Passive
Paragraph 3. was educated, was interested
Paragraph 4. was fascinated
Paragraph 5. were not published
Past Simple Passive forms are used when the focus is on the action, not on the doer of the action.
(Past Simple Passive используется, когда акцент делается на действии, а не на исполнителе действия.)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Вербицкая, Гаярделли, Редли 6 класс, Вентана-Граф:
18 Study the tables in ‘Think about grammar’. Then find Past Simple active forms in the text about da Vinci and explain why some of the sentences have Present Simple forms. After that find Past Simple passive forms and explain their use.
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