Упр.6 Юнит 2 Урок 2 ГДЗ English Кузовлев 9 класс
6. Ридер упр.2.
Решение #
Jessica, Mary, Ellen were not interested in the meeting of the club. Jessica and Mary found the concert very good.
Lila was surprised to see Jessica in a new outfit.
Lila was surprised that Mary was also at the concert.
Melody gave a live performance.
Lila was sure that Jessica wouldn’t become a rock star.
Ellen thought that it was difficult to become a rock star.
Lila didn’t see the concert.
Mary understood at once why Jessica was dressed in an unusual way.
Lila reminded that they had plans for lunchtime.
Johnny Buck gave a concert some time before.
Jessica was very proud that she could see everything on the stage.
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