Упр.1 Юнит 1 Step 4 ГДЗ Rainbow English 7 класс
1. Питер никогда не кладет свои вещи в правильные места. Где Питер нашел их вчера утром? Посмотрите на картинки, послушайте и скажите, что неправильно на картинках.
Например: Питер нашел свою школьную сумку за пианино, но не под ним.
Текст аудиозаписи:
It is always difficult for Peter to find his things because he never puts them in the right places. Yesterday morning Peter couldn’t find a lot of his things. After half an hour he found his old trainers on the bookcase. Then he found his new jeans on the bathroom floor. His school books were near the fridge. Peter’s pencil case was in his mother’s black shoe. It was a real shock. Peter’s paint brushes were all in his soup bowl. Just think of it! Peter found his warm boots under the arm chair. When Peter found his exercise books, he saw that there was a box of paints on them. Peter’s daybook was on the chair and his Russian dictionary was on the floor near the window. Poor Peter!
Всегда сложно для Питера найти свои вещи, потому что он никогда не кладет их в правильные места. Вчера утром Питер не смог найти многие свои вещи. После получаса он нашел свои старые штаны на книжной полке. Затем он нашел свои новые джинсы на полу в ванной. Его школьные книги были около холодильника. Пенал Питера был в черном ботинке мамы. Это был настоящий шок. Кисточки Питера были все в его суповой тарелке. Просто подумайте об этом! Питер нашел свои теплые ботинки под креслом. Когда Питер нашел свои учебники, он увидел, что на них была коробка с красками. Дневник Питера был на кресле, а его русский словарь был на полу возле окна. Бедный Питер!
Решение #
1) Peter found his trainers on the bookcase, not in the bookcase.
(Питер нашел свои штаны на шкафу, а не в шкафу)
2) Peter found his jeans on the bathroom floor, not on the hall floor.
(Питер нашел свои джинсы на полу в ванной, а не на полу в коридоре)
3) He found his books near the fridge, not on the fridge.
(Он нашел свои книги возле холодильника, а не на холодильнике)
4) He found his pencil case in а black shoe, not in а brown shoe.
(Он нашел свой пенал черных ботинках, а не в коричневых)
5) He found his brushes in his soup bowl, but not in the mug.
(Он нашел свои кисти в тарелке из под супа, а не в кружке)
6) He found his boots under the armchair, not behind it.
(Он нашел свои ботинки под креслом, а не за ним)
7) There was a box of paints, not a clock on his exercise books.
(Там была коробка с красками, а не часы на его тетрадях)
8) Peter found his daybook on the chair, but not his ruler.
(Питер нашел свой дневник на кресле, а не на линейке)
9) Peter found his dictionary not in the corner, but near the window.
(Питер нашел свой словарь не в углу, а возле окна)
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Баранова, Афанасьева, Михеева 7 класс, Дрофа:
1. Peter never puts his things in the right places. Where did Peter find them yesterday morning? Look at the pictures, listen and say what is wrong in the pictures.
Example: Peter found his schoolbag behind the piano but not under it.
1) Peter found his trainers on the bookcase, not in the bookcase.
2) Peter found his jeans on the bathroom floor, not on the hall floor.
3) He found his books near the fridge, not on the fridge.
4) He found his pencil case in а black shoe, not in а brown shoe.
5) He found his brushes in his soup bowl, but not in the mug.
6) He found his boots under the armchair, not behind it.
7) There was a box of paints, not a clock on his exercise books.
8) Peter found his daybook on the chair, but not his ruler.
9) Peter found his dictionary not in the corner, but near the window.
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