Стр.73 Рабочая тетрадь Модуль 5 ГДЗ Starlight Баранова 8 класс
Знание языка - Модуль 5
1 Выберите правильный вариант.
1 Я ждал час до прибытия автобуса.
A after (после)
В before (до)
C until (до тех пор пока)
D since (с)
2 Он напомнил мне, что сочинение должно было быть в понедельник.
A reminded (напомнила)
В remembered (вспомнила)
C explained (объяснила)
D ordered (заказала)
3 Она спросила, нравится ли мне учиться в университете.
A when
В what
C where
D if
4 Лекция была записана и размещена в Интернете вчера.
A is recorded
В had recorded
C was recorded
D has been recorded
5 Она объяснила, что Сэм был в академическом отпуске и вернется через месяц.
A had been
В has been
C was
D is
6 К этой пятнице Молли сдаст все экзамены.
A had finished
В will have finished
C will finish
D is finishing
7 Селия планирует получить степень магистра как только она вернется из Африки.
A as soon as (как только)
В while (в то время как)
C since (с)
D until (до того как)
8 Чем больше вы тренируетесь, тем лучше становитесь.
A fit
В fitter
C fittest
D more fit
Решение #
1 B
2 A
3 D
4 C
5 C
6 B
7 A
8 B
2 Заполните пробелы. Используйте соответствующие формы слова в скобках, когда оно дано.
1 Я спросил студентку, где находится лекционный зал, но она ответила, что не знает.
2 Мать Пэтти пообещала ей, что она купит ей новый ноутбук, если она хорошо сдаст экзамены.
3 Когда профессор обвинил студентку в обмане, она вышла из комнаты, не сказав ни слова.
4 Тим сделал огромную ошибку, когда он отказался сдать домашнее задание.
5 Если вы не хотите провалить экзамены, вам лучше усердно учиться.
Решение #
1 asked, didn’t know
2 would buy
3 of, saying
4 made, to submit
5 failing, had
Преобразования ключевых слов
3 Завершите предложения, используя слово, выделенное жирным шрифтом. Используйте от двух до пяти слов.
1 “I’m sorry I didn’t go to the party,” Gary said.
(“Мне очень жаль, что я не пошел на вечеринку”, - сказал Гэри.)
Gary apologised for not going to the party.
(Гэри извинился за то, что не пошел на вечеринку.)
2 Sarah began learning French one month ago.
(Сара начала изучать французский язык месяц назад.)
Sarah has been learning French for one month.
(Сара изучает французский в течение месяца.)
3 “My computer doesn’t work,” Theresa said.
(“Мой компьютер не работает”, - сказала Тереза.)
Theresa complained her computer didn't work.
(Тереза пожаловалась, что ее компьютер не работает.)
4 She went to university immediately after finishing secondary school.
(Она пошла в университет сразу после окончания средней школы.)
She went to university as soon as she finished secondary school.
(Она пошла в университет, как только закончила среднюю школу.)
5 “Are you going on holiday to Italy this summer?” James asked.
(“Собираетесь ли вы этим летом в отпуск в Италию?” - спросил Джеймс.)
James asked me if I was going on holiday to Italy that summer.
(Джеймс спросил меня, собираюсь ли я этим летом в отпуск в Италию.)
6 The exam wasn’t as easy as I had expected.
(Экзамен оказался не таким легким, как я ожидал.)
The exam was more difficult than I had expected.
(Экзамен оказался сложнее, чем я ожидал.)
7 “Sure I’ll help you with your essay,” she told me.
(“Конечно, я помогу тебе с сочинением”, - сказала она мне.)
She agreed to help me with my essay.
(Она согласилась помочь мне с моим сочинением.)
8 You should study more.
(Тебе следует больше учиться.)
If I were you, I would study more.
(На вашем месте я бы больше учился.)
9 Once everyone arrived she began the seminar.
(Когда все приехали, она начала семинар.)
She waited for everyone to arrive before she began the seminar.
(Она ждала всех, прежде чем приступить к семинару.)
10 Newspapers report that some students cheated on their entrance exams.
(Газеты сообщают, что некоторые студенты жульничали на вступительных экзаменах.)
Some students are reported to have cheated on their entrance exams.
(Сообщается, что некоторые студенты жульничали на вступительных экзаменах.)
11 “Don’t write in the workbook,” our teacher said.
(“Не пишите в рабочей тетради”, - сказала наша учительница.)
Our teacher told us not to write in the workbook.
(Наш учитель сказал нам не писать в тетрадях.)
12 Only experienced teachers can apply for the position.
(Претендовать на вакансию могут только опытные преподаватели.)
Only teachers that have experience can apply for the position.
(На эту должность могут подавать заявки только учителя, имеющие опыт работы.)
Решение #
1 apologised for not going
2 has been learning French for
3 complained her computer didn’t
4 as soon as she finished
5 if I was going
6 was more difficult than
7 agreed to help me
8 I were you, I would
9 for everyone to arrive before
10 are reported to have cheated
11 told us not to write
12 who/that have experience
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Баранова, Дули, Копылова 8 класс, Просвещение:
Language Knowledge - Module 5
1 Choose the correct item.
1 I had been waiting an hour before the bus arrived.
A after
В before
C until
D since
2 He reminded me that the essay was due on Monday.
A reminded
В remembered
C explained
D ordered
3 She asked if I liked going to university.
A when
В what
C where
D if
4 The lecture was recorded and posted online yesterday.
A is recorded
В had recorded
C was recorded
D has been recorded
5 She explained that Sam was on a gap year and would be back in a month.
A had been
В has been
C was
D is
6 By this Friday, Molly will have finished writing all her exams.
A had finished
В will have finished
C will finish
D is finishing
7 Celia plans to do her Master's degree as soon as she returns from Africa.
A as soon as
В while
C since
D until
8 The more you exercise, the fitter you become.
A fit
В fitter
C fittest
D more fit
2 Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate forms of the word in brackets when given.
1 I asked the student where the lecture hall was, but she told me she didn't know.
2 Patty’s mother promised her that she would buy her a new laptop if she did well in her exams.
3 When the professor accused the student of cheating, she left the room without saying a word.
4 Tim made. A huge mistake when he refused to submit his homework.
5 If you want to avoid failing your exams, you had better study hard.
Key Word Transformations
3 Complete the sentences using the word in bold. Use two to five words.
1 “I’m sorry I didn’t go to the party,” Gary said.
Gary apologised for not going to the party.
2 Sarah began learning French one month ago.
Sarah has been learning French for one month.
3 “My computer doesn’t work,” Theresa said.
Theresa complained her computer didn't work.
4 She went to university immediately after finishing secondary school.
She went to university as soon as she finished secondary school.
5 “Are you going on holiday to Italy this summer?” James asked.
James asked me if I was going on holiday to Italy that summer.
6 The exam wasn’t as easy as I had expected.
The exam was more difficult than I had expected.
7 “Sure I’ll help you with your essay,” she told me.
She agreed to help me with my essay.
8 You should study more.
If I were you, I would study more.
9 Once everyone arrived she began the seminar.
She waited for everyone to arrive before she began the seminar.
10 Newspapers report that some students cheated on their entrance exams.
Some students are reported to have cheated on their entrance exams.
11 “Don’t write in the workbook,” our teacher said.
Our teacher told us not to write in the workbook.
12 Only experienced teachers can apply for the position.
Only teachers that have experience can apply for the position.
Популярные решебники 8 класс Все решебники
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